DCS Leads Forensics

Making I.T. work better!

By Richard Foulds|10th May 2018

Bespoke programming, customer service software

How to deliver a unique and better service to your customers and reduce pressure on your customer service

An existing client in the manufacturing sector casually mentioned the burgeoning demands being placed on his customer service team.

They were being inundated with queries by phone, fax and email from customers requiring information on the status of current orders as well as requests for copies of previous invoices, delivery notes and POD documentation etc.

The workload was such that new staff were required to help cope with the demand in  dealing with such time consuming matters.

We suggested the client consider a ‘Web based customer service portal’ that their customers could use from anywhere in the world and securely access all of the aforementioned information.

The proposal was well received and from acceptance to implementation took around 10 weeks.

Customers securely log onto the portal over the internet and can get a complete, up to date snap shot of all of their orders, deliveries and sales and can instantaneously download those copy documents they require.

All the information is automatically obtained from the clients business systems and there is only a very limited amount of system management required.

The application has now been running for several years and subsequent additions to the portal have included ‘Online ordering’ and ’Brochure and product catalogue information’

The benefits of the portal were enormous and dramatically reduced the amount of calls coming into the business.

It has recouped the investment many times over and has become a great selling point when the client is tendering for new work.


Click Here  if you would like more information or would like to discuss what a DCS customer service portal could do for your business.