DCS Leads Forensics

How can I work from home?

By Theresa Clark|20th February 2020

how to work remotely, keep working when bad weather hits

Don’t wait for the snow to arrive before answering this question; be proactive, not reactive to WFH (Working From Home)…

If you have a team that have young families it’s worth taking into consideration those potential emergency child-sick-days and snow/faulty school radiator days that seem to arrive in abundance and send schools, parents and children into decline over the next 3 months. This could leave employees with no other choice than to either take an emergency holiday, parental leave or sick day; if they don’t have the alternative option of being able to ‘work from home’ under these unpredicted circumstances.

We now find ourselves on the other side of storms Ciara and Dennis but now with snow forecast just around the corner, please take the time to make sure you’re business-ready, in ensuring that any staff that may require to work remotely are able to do so easily before the morning of the emergency log on. If you’re snowed in at home, others are too, which will undoubtedly mean longer wait times before we can deal with everyone.

Our Maintenance Team are here on hand to help you get anybody who needs to be set up with remote access. Don’t lose days of productivity and sales due to bad weather and traffic chaos.

Planning is the key, don’t wait until the bad weather comes

If working from home…

  • Make sure you know how to remotely access your e-mails and applications before your unplanned snow day arrives.
  • Ensure you know have a secure record of all your usernames and passwords to hand for your computer, e-mails, applications and banking etc. 

Using your own home computer (Windows or MacOS) and leveraging Remote Desktop Services (RDS) on your existing server infrastructure, everyone in your company can access the whole suite of applications (including your accounts, CRM, email, Office Files and any other business-critical applications) quickly and seamlessly.

We can also advise and supply you with the right video/voice calling systems so even your meetings don’t have to be inconvenienced

If you’re working on the move – we can help you set up most smartphones and tablets so you can access either just your mailbox (mail, calendar, tasks) or all your applications.

Most Importantly

Security – When working from home, please ensure the remote machine has the correct security protocols in place and adequate security protection (such as Antivirus, Spam Filtering and Data Encryption). From experience, remote users pose the biggest threat to business systems being targeted for ransomware.
