DCS Leads Forensics

Customer Support – Coronavirus

By Patrick Clayton|5th August 2020

DCS Managing Director

Here we are some 19 weeks after we entered lockdown and we continue to follow government guidelines and advice.  Here at DCS we’re working to do our part by ensuring the safety of our employees, striving to protect the health and well-being of the communities in which we operate, and providing IT and cybersecurity support and advice to our customers to help them do their best work while remote.

All our support and installation services continue to operate albeit the majority of the work is being carried out remotely as our staff are working from home.  Where site visits are required and approved by all parties, then we are adhering to social distance measures and using full PPE equipment as appropriate.

With the technology and cloud telephone system that we run, the support and sales teams are able to handle calls as efficiently as ever.  We are able to hold remote consultations, training sessions and meetings; either by phone or by video.   

Our offices are open for pre-arranged deliveries and a member of staff will be on hand to accept deliveries but will be adhering to all social distancing measures

Our plans may evolve in line with the situation over the coming weeks and months and will be updated on our website and through the following social media channels:

